5 Characteristics of a Dog That Hates Losing

Have you ever felt that your dog hates losing? A competitive personality, like any other personality, probably has both good and bad points. In this article, we will introduce the characteristics of a dog that hates losing.

What are the good and bad points about dogs’ “hate to lose”?

Of course, each dog has a different personality. Some children are bright, some are quiet, some are sociable, and some are timid. Some dogs are very competitive and don’t want to lose to other dogs.

Dogs’ “competitive” personality has many positive aspects, such as their strong curiosity and ability to take on new challenges. They also tend to have a strong desire to improve, so some children may be able to achieve results with a variety of training sessions.

On the other hand, if your dog’s competitive nature escalates, he may become aggressive towards people and dogs around him. Therefore, it is necessary for the owner to properly cultivate social skills and to teach the dog to calm down with commands.

5 characteristics of a Dog that hates losing

So, what are the characteristics of competitive dogs? We will introduce the behaviors and traits that are commonly seen in competitive dogs.

1. Brave, curious, and eager to take on challenges.

Competitive dogs tend to be brave and have a strong desire to take on challenges. They are also very curious, so you can see that they have a strong desire to improve by trying out new places and training.

When asked by their owners, “Would you like to try it?” or “Would you like to go?”, they move forward with light steps, and the way they gleefully take on challenges is very adorable and worth relying on.

2. Frequent forceful behavior

Dogs that hate losing tend to have a strong sense of “I don’t want to lose to other dogs” and “I’m number one!” Therefore, there may be situations where you can see a bit of forceful behavior.

For example, a dog might jump into your arms while you are running errands, or steal a toy that another dog is playing with. In situations like this, the owner should politely guide the dog by saying things like “No,” “Wait a minute,” and “Let’s play over there.”

3. Barks at dogs that are clearly stronger than you

Dogs will not take the risk of attacking someone who is clearly stronger than them. However, competitive dogs may stand up to dogs that are clearly larger than them, saying, “I’m stronger than you!”

If you suddenly start barking at a dog that is stronger than you, you may frighten the other dog, and in some cases, you may be attacked by a counterattack.

To avoid getting into trouble, make it a habit to train your dog to be sociable on a daily basis, and train your dog to calm down by giving instructions.

4. Never give up on your “favorites”

Characteristics of a Dog That Hates Losing

Never give up your favorite toys, bed, or relaxing space! This stubborn attitude is also a common characteristic of competitive dogs.

For example, if another family member is using your favorite blanket, your child might forcefully try to pull it back, or forcefully cut into the chair you are sitting on.

5. Showing jealousy towards other dogs

A surprising number of dogs show signs of jealousy when they see their owners getting along with other dogs. However, competitive dogs may exhibit aggressive behavior in these situations.

For example, a dog will clearly show signs of jealousy, such as barking at the other dog or getting between the owner and the other dog.

As an owner, you may think it’s cute, but if it escalates, it could lead to trouble such as injuring the other person, so be sure to give commands such as “No” and “Sit.”


How was it? A competitive personality has both good and bad points. Training should be done on a daily basis so that the dog’s good points can be improved and the bad points can be properly controlled by the owner.

Mian Zubair

My goal in writing here is to create a happier and more comfortable home for dog owners and the dogs they love, while improving quality of life. I have knowledge and experience to write various information about dogs.

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