6 Things You Must Prepare When Leaving Your Dog With a Friend or Family Member!

We have summarized the preparations you must make when leaving your dog with a friend or family member. Don’t forget to prepare to minimize stress on your dog and be considerate of the person you are leaving your dog with.

Preparations you should make when leaving your dog with a friend or family member

When your schedule gets busy, such as during the year-end and New Year holidays, you may find that you have to leave your dog with a friend or family member.

In that case, if you don’t prepare properly before leaving your dog, it could cause stress not only to the person you leave it with but also to your dog.

Therefore, this time we will explain the preparations you should make when leaving your dog with a friend or family member. Even if you don’t have any intention of doing so right now, you never know when such a situation will arise, so it’s important to keep this knowledge in mind.

1. Arrange to meet in advance

When leaving your dog with someone, please meet the person you are leaving your dog with in advance.

If the day you leave your dog is the first contact, both the dog and the person leaving the dog are nervous. This tension can cause your dog to become wary or aggressive.

It is best to leave your child with someone you have met several times, played with, or are familiar with. If you suddenly have to leave your dog with someone you have met for the first time, I think it would be a good idea to have them come to your home and take care of your dog, rather than at their home.

Specifically, it will be sufficient if you provide the bare minimum of care such as “changing the water,” “feeding the dog,” and “cleaning the toilet.”

However, if your dog cannot relieve itself unless it goes outside, you will have to take it for a walk, so I think it is necessary to meet and get to know your dog in advance.

2. Separate each serving of rice

When leaving your dog at home, separate out the food into one meal each. This is to be considerate of the person entrusted with the food and to ensure that there are no mistakes in the amount of food.

I think it’s a good idea to separate each serving into zippered bags and write something like “Morning on the day” on it.

If you are using an automatic feeder on a regular basis, you may be able to leave it as is.

3. Leave your veterinary hospital ticket with you.

When you leave your dog with us, be sure to also leave your veterinary clinic card with you.

When your pet becomes unwell, all you have to do is hand over your doctor’s card and say, “The owner is away, so I’m here on your behalf.” You can have your pet examined.

If you do not have your child’s medical card, they may not be able to see your child or your child may be treated as a first-time doctor, so be sure to keep your child’s medical card with you.

4. Tell them whether you will be going for a walk or not.

When leaving your dog with us, please let us know if you will be taking your dog for a walk.

Some dogs can only be walked with their owners. Even if it’s natural for your dog to go for a walk, problems can easily occur if you forcefully take your dog outside.

If your dog is left in an unfamiliar place, the place you go for a walk will also be an unfamiliar place. Some dogs may panic due to anxiety or nervousness.

If your dog can defecate in the toilet provided indoors, I don’t think you need to force yourself to go for a walk.

On the other hand, if you really need to go for a walk, I think it would be a good idea to ask the person you are leaving your dog to hold a leash when you meet them in advance and check to see if they can walk well.

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5. Prepare a circle

When leaving your dog with us, prepare a circle.

This is to ensure space for your dog. In case your pet gets rough, spread a pet sheet inside the circle and place a crate or bed there.

The place where you leave your dog is not an indoor environment designed for your dog. There may be many dangers for your dog.

They may also chew on important things, break them, mark them, or be rude in a way that makes others angry.

I think it would be a good idea to leave your dog in a cage and have him spend time in the cage while you are away.

6. Create a care list

When leaving your dog with us, we recommend creating a care list.

  • Time and timing to feed meals
  • Time, timing, amount, and frequency of giving snacks
  • How to use the toilet (whether a signal or guidance is required)
  • Walking time (whether to walk or not)
  • Presence of medication (how to give medication to children with chronic illnesses, etc.)
  • I want you to play with your toys when you get home.

I think it’s a good idea to roughly write out your schedule from when you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night.

Dogs feel stressed even if their meal times change. Try to give it at the same time as possible.

Please be careful not to give too many treats. It may cause stomach upset due to indigestion.

Also, be sure to tell them that you will never give them human food. When you get used to them, they are so cute that you can’t help but feed them.


We have explained six preparations you should make when leaving your dog with a friend or family member.

  • to meet in advance
  • Divide the rice into one serving
  • Keep your veterinary hospital ticket with you
  • Telling whether or not you are going for a walk
  • prepare a circle
  • Create a care list

If you have someone your dog is familiar with, such as a friend or family member, it will be easier to leave them with you when you have to leave home for a sudden business trip or errand.

When leaving your dog with someone you are meeting for the first time or with someone you are unfamiliar with, it will be better for your dog to come to your home and take care of it, rather than at the other person’s home.

Mian Zubair

My goal in writing here is to create a happier and more comfortable home for dog owners and the dogs they love, while improving quality of life. I have knowledge and experience to write various information about dogs.

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