3 Things You Should Not Do When Leaving Your Dog at Home During the Winter!

We have summarized “Cold weather measures that you should not take when leaving your dog at home in the winter.” You must understand that there may be risks involved in “protecting your dog from the cold” while you are away.

“Cold protection measures” you should not take when leaving your dog at home in winter

When leaving your dog at home during the winter, it is essential to take measures against the cold.

It is often said that “dogs are resistant to cold”, but this only means “they can survive”; in reality, dogs also feel cold when the temperature is cold for humans.

Do you have a thermometer in the room where your dog is left alone?

It is said that dogs become more sensitive to the cold when the indoor temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius. Room temperatures below 10 degrees are temperatures that require protection against the cold.

However, if you take the wrong measures to protect your dog from the cold, your dog may become stressed, become unwell, and risk injury or accidents. Take proper measures to protect your dog from the cold so that he or she can stay home safely and comfortably during the winter.

1. Keep a disposable warmer in your bed or clothes pocket

When you leave your dog at home in the winter, using disposable body warmers is a precaution you should not take.

Do you put it in your bed to keep it warm? Do you keep your heating device in your clothes pocket just because you don’t use it?

Dogs may play with the bag by chewing it open or swallowing the contents. Although the contents of disposable body warmers are not highly addictive if accidentally ingested by your dog, they can cause your dog to become unwell.

Disposable warmers kept in clothing pockets may be too hot for your dog. There is also a risk of burns. Even when it’s hot, dogs can’t undress themselves.

When you leave your dog at home in the winter, using disposable body warmers is a cold-weather measure that you should not use, as there is a risk of accidental ingestion or burns.

2. Leave the kotatsu on

When you leave your dog at home in the winter, leaving the kotatsu on is a precaution you should not take to protect your dog from the cold.

If your dog stays in a kotatsu for a long time, they may suffer from low-temperature burns or become dehydrated.

Also, if your dog chews on the kotatsu cord and plays with it, there is a risk of burns or electrocution.

When you leave your dog at home in the winter, I think it’s a good idea to leave the kotatsu on until just before leaving, but be sure to turn it off before you go out. Leaving it on is a cold protection measure that you should not do.

3. Leave the pet hot carpet on

When you leave your dog at home in the winter, leaving a hot pet carpet on is a cold protection measure that you should not do.

It is the same as a kotatsu, but there are risks such as low-temperature burns, dehydration, electric shock burns, and electrocution.

The cord is designed to be resistant to breakage even if a dog chews on it, but there is no guarantee that it will not break. Small dogs and large dogs have different biting forces. Just because it’s a small dog doesn’t mean it won’t break.

Some owners may think, “My child doesn’t bite, so it’s okay.” However, if you have any concerns about leaving it on, this is a cold protection measure that you should not take.

Necessary measures to take when leaving your dog at home in winter

From here, we will explain the precautions you need to take when leaving your dog at home during the winter. The conditions that can be treated will vary depending on your home environment, but based on the basic idea below, you can flexibly take measures according to your dog’s age, health condition, and living environment. Sho.

use air conditioner

The best way to keep your dog safe and comfortable during the winter is to use an air conditioner.

The ideal indoor temperature for dogs is around 20°C and humidity around 40%. Please manage your dog according to its breed, age, and health condition.

Cover the cage with a cover or blanket

If you are using a cage as a sleeping area, it is a good idea to cover it with a special cover or blanket to prevent cold air from getting in and also to keep the cage warm.

Prepare winter beds and blankets

A bed with good heat retention and moisture retention is enough, and I think it’s also a good idea to put a blanket on it.

A dome-shaped, cube-shaped, or house-shaped bed will probably keep you warm.


We have explained three ways to protect your dog from the cold when you leave him alone in the winter.

  • Keep a disposable warmer in your bed or clothes pocket
  • leave the kotatsu on
  • Leave the pet hot carpet on

If you go for a walk before you leave, make sure to use a heater or stove to keep your dog warm when you get home. If you wash your hands and feet, be sure to dry them thoroughly with a hair dryer. This is necessary to prevent you from getting cold while you are away.

Then, make sure to take the necessary measures to protect yourself from the cold while you are away, as introduced here, before heading out.

Mian Zubair

My goal in writing here is to create a happier and more comfortable home for dog owners and the dogs they love, while improving quality of life. I have knowledge and experience to write various information about dogs.

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