5 Dog Illnesses and Injuries to Be Careful of in Winter

In winter, the severe cold continues every day, which increases the risk of illness and injury for dogs due to muscle contraction and excessive cold in their bodies. Therefore, this time we will introduce the reasons, symptoms, and preventive measures for “dog illnesses and injuries” that you should be careful about in winter.

In winter, the number of injured and sick dogs increases rapidly due to the cold! Prepare for preventive measures

Winter in Japan continues to be extremely cold throughout the country. Not only humans but also dogs experience the severe cold, which increases the risk of poor health and injuries that are different from other seasons.

Additionally, the number of accidents and injuries that can occur increases rapidly during the cold season, so it is important to take preventive measures in advance to avoid injuries or illnesses related to the winter cold.

Introducing prevention methods! 5 “Dog Illnesses and Injuries” to be careful of in winter

What diseases and injuries are dogs at increased risk of in winter? Here we will explain the symptoms of dog illnesses and injuries that you should be aware of in winter, as well as measures to prevent them.

1. Urinary system diseases

As the weather gets colder in the winter, more dogs are reluctant to drink the water provided. This reduces the amount of water in your body and makes it difficult to excrete waste products, making you more susceptible to urinary disorders such as cystitis and urinary stones.

Symptoms include not being able to urinate when going to the toilet (not much urination), pain when urinating, and blood in the urination.

Prevention is to drink water regularly. If your dog won’t drink water, encourage him to drink water by soaking his dog’s food or switching to wet food.

2. Osteoarthritis

When it gets cold, your muscles contract more easily, making your joints more likely to hurt. Additionally, as more and more dogs become inactive, blood circulation around the joints becomes poor, increasing the risk of osteoarthritis.

You need to be careful if you notice any unusual behavior, such as pain every time you walk or unwillingness to walk.

In order to prevent osteoarthritis, it is important to manage your diet and amount of exercise to avoid becoming obese. Also, be aware that you should gradually get your dog used to it, rather than suddenly taking him from a warm place to a cold place or suddenly subjecting him to strenuous exercise.

3. Dermatitis

In the winter, many dog ​​owners wear clothes for long periods of time because their dogs feel cold even when they are indoors. However, wearing clothes for long periods of time increases the risk of developing dermatitis.

When dermatitis develops, it causes itching and pain, which can cause your dog to show signs of being concerned about the same area.

Instead of keeping your pet dressed in clothes for long periods of time, try using a heater to warm up the entire room when you are indoors. Measures against the cold, such as replacing curtains with thicker ones, are also effective.

4. Heat Shock

If you suddenly go from a warm room to a cold outdoors, your blood pressure may fluctuate rapidly and cause heat shock.

You must be careful not to fall into a state of heat shock, as this can lead to extremely dangerous conditions such as suddenly losing strength and falling down, breathing becoming irregular and heart rate slowing down.

When you go out for a walk, instead of suddenly taking your dog out of the room, take measures to avoid the temperature difference as much as possible, such as letting him get used to the cold in the hallway or dressing him in clothes to protect him from the cold.

5. Burns caused by heating equipment

One of the injuries that increases rapidly in winter is burns caused by heating equipment. Floor-standing electric stoves and kerosene stoves are extremely dangerous for dogs to come into contact with and suffer burns.

Also, staying in a kotatsu for a long time increases the risk of getting low-temperature burns or mild heatstroke.

Take measures such as installing a fence around heating appliances such as stoves to keep them from getting closer than necessary. Also, be sure to turn off the power to the kotatsu when the owner is not present to prevent burns.


Winter is also a time when people are more likely to get sick and get injured due to the severe cold. Protect your dog from the risks of the cold by taking preventative measures to prevent illnesses and injuries that are common in the winter.

Mian Zubair

My goal in writing here is to create a happier and more comfortable home for dog owners and the dogs they love, while improving quality of life. I have knowledge and experience to write various information about dogs.

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