5 Vegetables That You Should Not Feed Your Dog

Many dog ​​owners feed their dogs vegetables that are rich in nutrients. Of course, most vegetables are OK to feed, but there are some vegetables that you should never feed to your dog. We will also introduce the reasons why it is NG and the dangerous symptoms when giving it.

Vegetables you shouldn’t feed your dog

While some vegetables may be good for us, there are some vegetables that dogs should never eat. Many of you probably know that onions and green onions are not safe for dogs.

So, this time, we will explain the “vegetables” that dogs should not eat. We’ll introduce you to vegetables that are already known to be bad for dogs, as well as vegetables that are a little surprising.

1. Onions and green onions

Allylpropyl disulfide, a component found in onions and green onions, destroys red blood cells in your dog’s blood, causing hemolytic anemia. In the worst-case scenario, this is a very dangerous vegetable that can even lead to death for your dog.

If your dog eats onions or green onions, they will be poisoned, and the initial symptoms will be diarrhea and vomiting, as the disease progresses, you will see blood in the urine and jaundice.

Symptoms usually appear one to several days later, so even if you feel fine on the day you eat the food, you should not let your guard down. Even if you heat it up, the poisonous ingredients will not disappear, so be careful not to snack on curry or hamburgers.

Also, like onions and green onions, chives, which belong to the same genus Allium, should not be given to dogs.

2. Garlic

It may be a little surprising, but garlic is also classified in the same genus as onions and green onions mentioned above. Therefore, if you accidentally eat it, you may experience the same poisoning symptoms.

If your dog accidentally ingests garlic, the initial symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and blood in the urine. There are two types of hematuria: blood in the urine and red staining of the urine itself. In the case of garlic poisoning, the latter type of hematuria occurs, in which the urine itself is stained red.

Garlic is sometimes used as a flavoring agent in foods eaten by humans, so you need to be careful not to give it to your dog or accidentally ingest it.

There are dog foods that contain garlic, which is said to have a nutritional and tonic effect, but it is said that it contains less than a poisonous amount. However, there are individual differences, so you need to be careful.

3. Avocado

Avocados are so nutritious that they are often referred to as the “butter of the forest,” and people associate them with healthy food. However, there are pros and cons as to whether it is okay to give it to dogs.

There is a theory that “a small amount is okay,” but if you have any doubts, wouldn’t it be wiser to refrain from taking it? This is because avocado contains a component called persin, which can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

In addition to the health hazards caused by ingesting persin, it is high in fat and calories, making it an excessive intake for dogs, which can lead to obesity and diabetes.

Furthermore, if you accidentally swallow those large seeds, you may get stuck in your throat or cause an intestinal blockage.

4. Ginkgo

Ginkgo is harvested from the fruit of the ginkgo tree, but it is poisonous to dogs and should not be eaten by dogs.

Ginkgo nuts contain toxic ingredients that can cause convulsions and loss of consciousness. It is said that even humans will experience poisoning symptoms if they eat around 40 pieces. This is especially true for smaller dogs.

Also, if you eat the whole shell, it can cause choking and indigestion.

Additionally, the soft part of the ginkgo tree is called the outer seed coat, which can cause skin irritation if your dog comes into contact with it. Be especially careful when walking during the season when ginkgo trees are falling, including picking up and eating them.

5. Yam/Japanese Yam

It is best to avoid giving yams and Japanese yams to dogs with skin diseases. I think some people may have an itchy mouth after eating these. This phenomenon is caused by a component called calcium oxalate. If it comes into contact with your dog, it can be too irritating to the skin and may worsen the skin disease.

Also, this calcium oxalate is the same ingredient as urinary tract crystals and stones. Therefore, be very careful when giving yam or Japanese yam to dogs that have had calcium oxalate crystals in the past. If you really want to give it to your pet, it is best to consult your veterinarian beforehand.


In order to maintain the health of their dogs, many owners would like to feed them vegetables that are rich in nutrients and good for the body.

However, vegetables like the ones we have explained this time may not be a problem for humans, but they are definitely a no-no for dogs. Also, depending on the disease or physical condition of your dog, it may lead to serious health damage, so we recommend that you check with your veterinarian before feeding your dog for the first time.

We want our beloved dogs to stay healthy forever. The owner should take good care of the dog’s food.

Mian Zubair

My goal in writing here is to create a happier and more comfortable home for dog owners and the dogs they love, while improving quality of life. I have knowledge and experience to write various information about dogs.

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