Are Persimmons Safe For Dogs? Amount To Give, Correct Way To Give, Precautions, Etc.

Are persimmons safe for dogs? In conclusion, eating it will not cause poisoning, but there are some precautions.

 In particular, depending on the persimmon seeds and the amount given, they may cause poor health. 
We will also introduce the nutrients and precautions that can be taken when feeding persimmons to dogs, as well as simple persimmon recipes.

Are Persimmons Safe For Dogs?

Are Persimmons Safe For Dogs?

In conclusion, it is safe to give persimmons to dogs.

However, although eating ripe persimmons will not cause poisoning, eating too many may cause symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting due to indigestion. It also contains carbohydrates such as fructose, which can cause obesity if eaten in large quantities.

While paying attention to these points, owners can also enjoy adjusting the amount according to their dog’s physical condition and feeding them seasonal ingredients in addition to the dog’s staple food.


Amount Of Persimmon Per Day That Can Be Given To Dogs

A good guideline is to feed around 20% of your daily calorie intake. The calorie content of persimmons is approximately 60kcal per 100g, and for a small dog (4kg, spayed or neutered), which requires approximately 300kcal per day, 50 to 100g is a good amount to feed.

The average weight of one persimmon is 200-250g. Please keep this in mind as a guideline. Please note that the required calorie intake varies depending on individual differences, so please refer to the article below.



The Correct Way To Feed Persimmons To Dogs And Precautions

Are Persimmons Good For Dogs?


How should I feed my dog ​​persimmons as a snack or reward? Here are some things to keep in mind when giving persimmons to dogs.


Cut into pieces and give

Are Persimmons Safe For Dogs? Amount To Give, Correct Way To Give, Precautions, Etc.


When giving persimmons to your dog, we recommend slicing them thinly or cutting them into thin sticks or small blocks.

If the persimmons are cut into large blocks meant for human consumption, dogs may swallow them whole and get stuck in their throats, or there is a risk of intestinal blockage due to indigestible persimmons. It is important not to give persimmons as they are, but to size them so that they do not get stuck in the throat.


Remove the seeds and skin

Persimmon seeds are large, so small dogs may get stuck in their throats or intestines.

Also, be aware that the skin of persimmons is hard and difficult to digest, which can cause indigestion. Be sure to remove the seeds and skin before feeding.


It’s high in calories, so don’t eat too much!

Overeating is no good. The fructose in persimmons can lead to obesity.

The amount of calories your dog needs per day will vary depending on the breed, age, health condition, etc. If you give persimmons in addition to their usual food, please adjust the amount so that they do not become obese, such as by slightly reducing their meals.

[About persimmon bezoar]

People who eat a lot of persimmons may develop a stone-like lump in their stomach. Called persimmon bezoars, they are apparently formed when the tannins contained in persimmons become insoluble in the stomach, and food particles become entangled in them.

Bezoar stones can cause gastritis, stomach discomfort, and intestinal obstruction due to bezoar fragments. There have been no reports of persimmon bezoar in dogs, and it is unknown whether persimmon bezoars are formed in dogs, but both humans and dogs should be careful about eating too many persimmons.


Nutritional Components Of Persimmons That Affect Dogs

Persimmons are a food that contains fiber, vitamins, fructose, water, vitamin C, and carotene.

It contains a lot of water, so you can stay hydrated. It also helps to keep hydrated in cases where it is difficult for senior dogs to ingest enough water.

However, the basics of hydration is to give water. It is not a good idea to try to get a lot of water from persimmons. Be careful not to give too much.

Furthermore, persimmons, which contain a lot of dietary fiber and have hard flesh, are by no means easy to digest. If you give too much, it may cause stomach upset.

Depending on the size, if you swallow it without chewing it, it may get stuck in your throat or stomach, so be careful.


Easy Dog ​​Treat Recipes

During persimmon season, try making a simple snack out of the persimmons you bought at a bargain price.

  • Peel the persimmon and slice it thinly.
  • Spread kitchen paper on a heat-resistant plate, arrange the persimmons so they don’t overlap, and heat in the microwave for about 10 minutes, keeping an eye on them. (It may burn, so watch it while heating.)
  • Just take it out and let it cool to make easy persimmon chips.

Commercially available dried fruits may contain a lot of sugar or additives, but you can safely give homemade persimmon chips. Once cooled, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

It will harden when heated, so cut it into small pieces.


Are Persimmons Good For Dogs?

Are Persimmons Good For Dogs?



Are persimmons good for dogs? Generally, persimmons are safe for dogs to eat. However, be careful about the type of persimmons and the amount you feed them.

Astringent persimmons contain tannins, which are one of the polyphenols. Tannins have antioxidant effects and improve blood flow, but ingesting large amounts can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.

It seems that dogs may eat astringent persimmons, which are too astringent for humans to eat. One theory is that it is because it is “very insensitive to bitterness”.

Mian Zubair

My goal in writing here is to create a happier and more comfortable home for dog owners and the dogs they love, while improving quality of life. I have knowledge and experience to write various information about dogs.

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